{{ error }}
Previous results
{{ order.created_at | trafiDate:language:{dateStyle:'medium', timeStyle:'medium'} }}
{{ buildPreviousOrderLabel(order) }}
Find vehicle details by license plate number
Select report scope
{{ product.name }}
{{ product.price | trafiLocalizedNum:2:2:'currency':'EUR' }}
- {{ data.text }}
Select payment type
{{ search.product.price | trafiLocalizedNum:2:2:'currency':'EUR' }}
{{ texts.containsVat | trafiReplace:':pct':prices.vatPct }}
If no result is found, you will get the next query free of charge.
Pay with mobile payment
Price of the query will be added onto your phone bill
SMS payment instructions
- You will receive a confirmation code as a response
- Price of the query will be added onto your phone bill
- Enter the confirmation code you received to the field below
{{ search.smsCode.error }}
Before using the service, please note that any data obtained from the service may not be used for unlawful purposes or in a way that would compromise the protection of personal privacy. The data derived from the service are intended to be used primarily in connection with the sale and purchase of vehicles between consumers to ensure the reliability of vehicle and owner date, for example by verifying that the seller actually owns the vehicle. Any other authorized purposes of use must be related to traffic safety, vehicles, vehicle traffic or its effects on the environment, or driving of a vehicle. By using this service, you commit to comply with the conditions explained above.